Project Design
GCL New Energy Design and Research Institute serves 31 provinces and cities across China as well as regions overseas. The company provides comprehensive design service, including planning, layouts, preliminary design to construction drawings, while integrating the best domestic technical resources and providing strong design, organization, and management services for large projects.

Funing Xinyuan Project, Integrating Agriculture with PV Power
A modern efficient agriculture and PV power project integrating efficient agricultural production, sales, and photovoltaic power generation. The project applied new technologies such as DC 1,500V, horizontal single-axis tracker and 96-battery modules.

Jinhu 100MW Photovoltaic Power Generation Project
This is GCL's largest single PV-fishery plant. The photovoltaic modules are placed above the water surface in a stereoscopic manner above the mud flats and fishpond. This allows a single area to be be used for dual purposes. The lower part is for aquaculture and the upper part is for photovoltaic power generation, which can greatly improve the economic value of land per unit area.
R&D Patents and Applications
Our specialized design and research institution and incentive system promotes an environment of innovation by all. Multiple practical technologies have been developed for PV power plants and provide scientific and technical support for the construction, operation and maintenance of power plants of GCL New Energy.
Introduction to Representative Patents and Research Topics

Intelligent Cleaning System
GCL New Energy's photovoltaic intelligent cleaning system consists of an intelligent ferry and track system, intelligent operation and maintenance using an unmanned robotic aerial vehicle, a wireless base station, and a control console. This achieves high efficiency and accuracy in cleaning and detection, avoids damage to components due to excessive cleaning, and increases operational intelligence.
Application Example

Horizontal Single-Axis Tracker
GCL's horizontal single-axis tracker ensures the most direct angle of sunlight on the photovoltaic modules to maximize power generation by means of real-time tracking of the position of the sun with a self-developed control system. GCL horizontal single-axis tracker has the world's most reliable transmission system, control system and a maintenance-free motor that can protect against wind, hail and snowstorms, adapt to harsh natural environments, and improve the safety of the power plant.

Tilted Single-Axis Tracker
GCL's tilted single-axis tracker tracks the trajectory of the sun at a fixed tilt angle, ensuring that the tilted plane can receive the maximum solar irradiation, thereby increasing the power generation. The tracker is a low cost, highly intelligent solution with strong diffusion. It has two modes: automatic tracking and manual tracking, which can be flexibly adjusted.

Dual-Axis Tracker
GCL's dual-axis tracker can be installed on different types of terrain to optimize the tilt angle to maintain stable power generation efficiency. It also increases power generation per unit area. With multiple functions including the avoidance of strong wind, dust, snow, shading, and flooding, the PV power plants can supply quality power.

Intelligent Operation and Maintenance Robot
The third-generation photovoltaic intelligent maintenance robot can not only quickly and efficiently clean dust off of modules, but is also a "doctor" that can scan the health status of modules and then transmit the detection information to a big data platform and optimize human-machine interaction.

SSG Nano Coating
Nano coating is approximately 150nm thick, and is a colorless transparent self-cleaning protective film formed on the photovoltaic module glass surface, which not only increases the luminosity, but also makes the glass surface hydrophilic and capable of self-cleaning, increasing the power generation by 3-5%.

Shape Factor of Wind Load
The results of the GCL's wind load shape coefficient are drawn through accurate PV power station windflow field tests. Wind load data on solar panels of different zones is used in engineering design to avoid the wasting of photovoltaic support by adopting uniform shape coefficient in the traditional mode, and save the project cost.

The Third-Generation Photovoltaic Agriculture
GCL's third-generation of photovoltaic agriculture preserves agricultural output by utilizing directional illumination compensation technology in the shadow of photovoltaic modules, and the new screw pile design that does not damage the farmland, to effectively address the contradiction between photovoltaic power generation and crops in "fighting for the sun, space, and land". It also allows for the development of green environmental PV agriculture while not damaging the land and or reducing production.

Adjustable Support
The widely used adjustable support of GCL has an adjustment angle range of 40° and can be flexibly adjusted according to the topography, the sunlight angle, and other factors. This improves the adaptability of photovoltaic modules, so that PV power plant can be constructed in a wider area and continue to push into the mainstream.
Science and Technology Information
The science and technology information newspapers are edited by Design and Research Institute of GCL Group, mainly collecting information on new energy, intelligent energy, smart city, and other elements from related media websites.